Principal's Report

School Council

Thank you to all of the parents who nominated and voted for our 2023 School Council. Congratulations to the following people who were elected or re-elected, Amanda Morison, Heath Venn, Laura Mahoney and Michael Tracey. They will join Martin Gill, Mel Falanga, Rebecca Harding, Simon Middleton and Elissa Gale (short-term position). Our staff representatives are, myself as Executive Officer, Wendy Emin, Sarah Nobbs and Catherine Graham. We endeavor that our first meeting will be next week. School Councilors will be advised of the date and time.

Cultural Diversity Week

This week is Cultural Diversity Week. Thank you to Sensei Helen and Giorgia Moss for organising a week full of fun, informative and educational activities for our students. This Thursday, we invite families to our school Cultural Diversity Parade. There will be a parade for students, staff and parents and we encourage all of our families to get involved and join in the fun.

There will be student performances thanks to Sensei Helen and Miss Barnes and a coffee van for parents to purchase coffee from and mingle amongst each other and with our staff.

Our teachers and education support staff will also be enjoying their own cultural diversity lunch as well. I am so disappointed to be missing these festivities as Mrs. Emin and I are required at a Principal’s Network Conference until the end of the week. In our absence, we have Kaitlyn Hayes and Crissy Samaras Acting Principals on Thursday should you need to contact them.

Year 6K News

In staffing news, we welcome Mr. John Evans to our school as he will be teaching our Year 6K’s class whilst Mr. Kelly is on personal leave until the end of the term. John will be supported by the year six teaching team. I would also like to advise that Mrs. Emin has reduced her time fraction to four days a week for the 2023 school year and will now be working from Tuesday through to Friday.

Reminders for Families

We have a few gentle reminders for students and families. Recently there has been a lot of rubbish floating around the school yard. We ask that where possible, minimal use of disposable packaging be used for student lunches and snacks.

Also, whilst the weather has cooled, we remind students that Term 1 and 4 we are required to wear school hats when outside to play. Students without hats will be required to play in the designated undercover areas.

Finally, over the last two weeks, we have had several students arriving at school between 8.00am and 8.30am. We remind families that our school yard is not supervised until 8.50am and we encourage students not to be dropped off at school prior to 8.30am.

Staff Training Day

Friday the 10th March is a student free Staff Training Day. All staff will be onsite undertaking training in the area of Professional Learning Communities and OSHC will be open for families requiring this service on the day. They can be contacted on 0422 236 845.

Public Holiday

Monday 13th March is the Labour Day public holiday. Students and staff will not be onsite on this day.

We wish all of our WNPS families a very safe, restful and happy extra-long weekend.

Enjoy the rest of your week

Richard Buckingham—Principal


Semester Two 2023 – (Term 1) Assembly Rotations

Term 1 – 20th February to 6th April

Week 7

Friday 10th March—Staff Training Day

No Students at School

Week 8

Friday 17th March—3.00pm


Week 9

Friday 24th March—3.00pm


Week 10

Friday 31st March—3.00pm


Week 11

Thursday 6th April—Last Day of Term 2.10PM

Whole School

Bike Shed

Parents, when children are riding their bikes to school, please ask them to store their bike in the shed correctly.

Foundation to Year 2 have designated parking bays prior to the red line, 4 bays on either side will house 16 bikes.

Children in Years 3 to 6 need to store their bikes past the red line and their back wheel to the fence. This ensure easy egress when vacating the school, by holding their handle bars and walking their bike forward. Please relay this information to your child if they ride their bike to school.

Whole School Photo Day—Online Ordering Via Compass

Whole school photo day will take place on Thursday 23rd March. Compass opened the online ordering last Tuesday. Please log into Compass and order the school photos that you prefer.


If you are walking your dog to school, please don’t tether your dog at the exit gates. A number of students are scared of dogs and some are allergic to them. Dogs are also not allowed on school grounds.

Class Rep Program

Thank you to Georgie Evanson and Sheena Hickman for their work in getting the Class Rep program up and running. eNews will be sent out twice this term and at least 3 times over the next three terms.

Year 4 News

The Year 4's has started off the school year in great style with both the swimming program and athletics day already complete. The weather was fantastic on both occasions and it's a credit to all students who participated in all activities.

Year 4 2
Year 4 1

In the classroom we have been focused on narrative writing, place value and healthy foods.

In Year 4, I love the learning (especially the noun game) and the super nice teachers. The only hard thing is maths. Even though we did camp last year, I'm really excited for it this year! I can't wait for the rest of Year 4! - Harriet 4P

Term one is great, My class is working on fun projects and activities like drawing 3d shapes and writing about health food. Athletics day was a blast! Everyone did their best and we all had a lot of fun—Zoe 4S

My year in Grade 4 has been great because we have done fun stuff like swimming and athletics and the best part was getting our computers! - Ivy 4L

We have the Melbourne International Flower show excursion coming up at the end of March and many other adventures planned in our 2023 learning experience.


Eye Philosophy Optometrist

WNPS is excited to provide vision screening this year by an Eye Philosophy Optometrist.

On 21st & 22nd and 27th & 28th March, they will visit WNPS the same way we do our dental visits.

If you would like to have your child's vision screening done, please scan the QR code (see flyer attached), or you can pick up the forms from the Health Hub.


Red Cross

We’re popping by. Can you let the locals know?

Hi, One in three people in Williamstown will need blood during their lives — and without amazing locals like you spreading the word, that blood may not be there at the crucial moment. As one of our amazing supporters, you’re in an ideal position to let as many people as possible know that we’ll be popping in at:

Williamstown Pop-up Blood Donor Centre - 20 to 31 March Williamstown Town Hall 104 Ferguson Street

Please visit our website for appointment times.


Aus kick